Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting Started

This family of four has taken the first step of many towards our desire to adopt from China!  How did we get to this decision?  Well, I will spare you the details and just say that back in January I was told that I would be unable to have any more biological children.  This news was devastating, but we knew that we were being called to have more children and so began the many hours of research (Bible, internet, friends).  God carefully placed a series of events and families that are currently adopting in our path, and the decision to adopt was made clear while celebrating our 10th anniversary back in May.
We are thrilled to be adding to our family and decided to start a blog so that we can share each step of our journey with our friends and family!  Currently, we have been approved to adopt and have started the mountains of paperwork needed to compile our dossier.  We know that adopting will be a process of highs and lows, so we would appreciate your prayers during this next year.

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.
Isaiah 43:5 

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you guys!! We will be praying. Love the blog too.
