Friday, February 3, 2012

Dossier on its way to China!

The last three weeks have been super busy for the adoption and our lives in general.  On January 17th a packing company arrived at our doorstep and started putting all of our belongings into boxes.  That afternoon our USCIS approval that we had been praying would arrive before we moved, did in fact arrive!  We got into our car and made it to the bank just before it closed so we could have a copy of the approval letter notarized.  On January 18th, Tyson got up super early and drove to Tallahassee to have the forms certified.  While the packing company continued to pack our belongings into boxes, Tyson then drove to the local FedEx and overnighted this very valuable envelope to our courier in Houston, TX.  Our courier brought the package to the Chinese Consulate the day it arrived and we paid extra for the Consulate to expedite the authentication process.  Our courier then overnighted it back to us.  By this time we are living out of suitcases and staying with our dear friends the Millers.  The package did not arrive on Saturday like it was supposed to so Tyson drove to the local FedEx and asked the lady to double check the back mail room.  Praise God she was happy to help and did find our envelope!  We made the appropriate copies and mailed it off again to our agency.

We received the news today that our dossier was sent to China yesterday afternoon (Feb. 2nd).  Woohoo!!!  The pressure is on now to finish our Parent Training and update our Home Study.  We will be there soon my son!

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
Isaiah 45:3


  1. excited for you guys! We just love following you in this journey.
    Miss you all very much.
    Love from Panama City...
    The Bradley's

  2. So happy and excited for you! I hope the move all goes well and you settle in easily. I can't wait to see a post saying that he's HOME!

  3. We are saddened that we didn't get to say goodbye but know you all are always in our hearts.
